Passing of Prop. 47. – Change in California Criminal Law

California law has changed! Criminal cases previously filed as felonies for 2nd Degree Burglary (Shoplifting), Forgery, Writing Bad Checks, Receiving Stolen Property, Grand Theft, Petty Theft with a Prior, and Unlawful Drug Possession (§11350; §11357(a); §11377(a)) have now been reduced to misdemeanors. Wow, this is great news. The Draconian drug laws are finally being repealed in California. Certainly, the number of people who could not afford felony representation for these types of cases will certainly drop as misdemeanors are far simpler to handle and do not involve the significant consequences that felonies do. Accordingly, the Law Offices of Sef Krell are happy to assist individuals who find themselves charged with these types of cases throughout the state.